How can the evangelical Christian church become relevant in the midst of the current crisis?

Reflect on the subject as you see the testimony of Abraham da Silva, senior pastor of the Metropolitan Baptist Church in Salvador (BA), and participate in a mosaic of reflections, leaving your comment in our Facebook poll 

We live in a singular moment in history. The spread of COVID-19, something unprecedented, has generated deaths and losses of all kinds. Among its most devastating effects — in addition to fatally impacted lives — also include factors such as unemployment, despair and fear, a lot of fear.

It is in this scenario that the church is invited to be relevant and to play its role as an agent of transformation, healing, restoration and hope, although limited to social distancing, for security reasons.

Precisely to reflect on the subject, we invite you to attend the moving testimony of Abraham da Silva, senior pastor of the Metropolitan Baptist Church in Salvador, Bahia, a content kindly given to Sepal. Pastor Abraham was infected by the coronavirus and today is recovered.

In the video, he shares details of the intense process of treating the disease and talks about interesting initiatives implemented by his community for the families impacted by the crisis. Through his testimony, he gives insights into how the church can engage in timely actions in the face of the current global scenario, being active, intentional, and missionary.

Based on this eloquent invitation to reflect, we want to invite you to watch the video at the top of the screen and collaborate in creating a productive mosaic of ideas on our Facebook page. In it, we encourage each reader to leave a comment on how the evangelical Christian church can become a channel of hope, renews and overcoming in the midst of one of the most severe calamities experienced in Brazil and in the world.

Be part of this rich debate!

Watch the video and leave your comment in our poll.

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