2020 marks one of the world’s biggest crises of recent times. In the midst of fear, to insecurity, distancing and mistrust, consequences of the pandemic, “sharing the Good News with the Buddhist Thais, teaching them about Jesus, establishing new churches, empowering leadership and serving the local community are targets of this missionary family that are not conditioned to circumstances, but which by the grace of God have only been possible through the KL church (Khlong Luang) that the missionaries helped to start in 2001 in a province north of Bancoc. Along with the kl church a new one is being started!

Life in the church

By the Grace of God, the number of churchgoers in the new church has increased substantially. This is due to the visit of relatives of recent converts, people from the community, children who participate in the football academy, also a project of the family and other unexpected visitors.

The Holy Spirit is the One who has guided these brothers so that more Thais may learn about who Jesus is and achieve salvation, animating and strengthening the new converts, encouraging them to live a life according to God’s will.

Recently, the church participated in a study titled “How to Follow and Participate in God’s Will.” It was a time of great spiritual growth, when one learned about how people can serve God even in times of crisis.

Migration and expansion

Our brothers have learned and participated in a natural migration dynamic of some brothers and families of the KL church, who for personal and professional reasons need to migrate to other regions of Thailand. Encouraged to share the Good News, people convert and help start new churches among them – until leaders and local autonomy are established. This is how last year a church in Northern Thailand was started, currently pastored by a boy who converted and was discipled at the KL church in 2002. There is also a project to start a new church in the northeast region, and another in north-central Thailand. For the migrant brothers, fruits, and wisdom to help them, and for the need for missionaries and workers to help in these opportunities. 

About the family

The missionaries’ plans to come to Brazil in 2020 to visit their family, church and maintainers had to be postponed until at least June 2021, and that is a reason for prayer.

May God renew the physical, emotional and spiritual forces of our brothers and sisters, animating them until they can meet their families, maintainers and beloved churches in Brazil!

Uncertainties and Anxieties:

Adriano and Fabiana’s children (David and Luke) completed the school year online and started the new one. In this school year the family will have to draw up some plans about David’s educational future. Thinking about the subject generates many anxieties and high emotional energy consumption. Even if the decision is by another plan, implementation is fully conditional on the need for financial redress. “It’s those moments that make you want to “look back”, but doing so we don’t honor God and His calling,” Fabiano says.

So far, the possibilities are:

1- study in the United States, totally dependent on winning a scholarship;

2- study in Thailand, depending on financial resources and reflecting on the limitations for the exercise of the profession in that or any other country in the world;

3- study in Brazil, also depending on financial resources.

Let us pray for this moment of decisions, crying out for providence and divine direction, asking our missionaries to find rest in God. We must not forget that, as Hadrian said: “The crisis is a time to exercise the faith, believing that God is watching, caring for and protecting.”

Other prayer requests

– So that the brothers of the church may remain faithful;
– For the conversion of the parents of adolescents who participate in the football academy;
– For resources for the maintenance of the ministry;
– For the emotional, physical and financial support of the Araújo family.