In the midst of the chaotic global situation, you are likely to have wondered, "Why is humanity going through such a difficult time? ". Many people seek justifications and explanations, but these, the fruit of the word and human understanding, are ephemeral and limited.

Reflecting on this, missionary Oswaldo Prado recalled an excerpt from Tim Keller's book and a biblical text in *1 Peter.

"My voice is grass. God's voice is granite. " (*"Coronavirus and Christ" by John Piper)

"The grass dries, and the flower falls; but the word of the Lord remains forever. " (*1Pe 1.24-25)

Unlike human, The word of God "cannot fail" (Jn 10:35). What He says is true and just (Sl 19:9), a solid foundation for our lives. Even though we are in the midst of difficult and sad moments, we still have the unwavering certainty that God is present. Let us rest on his promises, for He is Lord Sovereign.


In Londrina, for more than ninety days in quarantine, Sirley and Oswaldo are well under the wonderful grace of the Lord. During this period, they left very few times in order to go to the pharmacy. Most of the services needed by the couple, such as market purchases for example, have been done via delivery. It is also worth mentioning that the missionary, due to a health problem, had to go to the hospital for tests; Now, he's medicated and he's fine.

As for ministerial activities, the couple continues with advice and online mentoring. Sirley serves some cross-cultural patients and missionaries, serves as sepal Brazil's personnel director, and helps mission team leaders around the country. In addition, in recent weeks, Oswaldo has made several remote meetings. To name a few:

  • Meeting with cross-cultural missionaries from Sepal (China, Portugal and Chile);
  • Meeting with the team, pastors and missionaries of ChildFund Brazil, who serve in regions of extreme poverty in northeastern Brazil;
  • Meeting with young pastors from both the northern region of Pará and Pernambuco;
  • Meeting with missionaries and miaf staff (Mission for the Interior of Africa);
  • Mentoring with church planters (CTPI).

Let's keep interceding for the couple. May God strengthen you in health and fill you with discernment for ministry. In these days, more than ever, they need a lot of wisdom so they can help the pastors and leaders they mentor.