“… great things did the Lord for us, so we are glad.” (Psalm 126:3)

June was a very special month for the Carvalho family. During every weekend, the missionaries welcomed friends who celebrated with them a decade in Romania!

Still on celebrations, Philip the firstborn of the couple George and Virginia turned 14, countless reasons for gratitude!

In the ministry, a lot of work! Another edition of the Evangelism and Discipleship course was completed, this time online and featured a group of 25 Romanians from various cities and churches.

The missionary couple also participated in a virtual retreat and missionary mobilization course with the Sepal Romania team, as well as a four-day training with pastors and leaders from Portugal.

Rest time

Missionaries are planning a trip to Constanta, a Romanian city on the shores of the Black Sea. As there has already been loosening of social isolation measures, they decided to take a few days off to rest as a family.

In recent months, Jorge and Virginia have also worked and engaged in prayer for the inauguration of the new center of Centru MAMA – Centro Pró-vida (antiaborto). The expectations for the future and fruits of this ministry are high, soon we will have news about the activities of the missionaries with the Pro-Life Center. May lives be attained and preserved for the glory of God in this place.


– Physical, emotional and spiritual health of the family;
– Financial support.