Get to know a little about us
It is an international mission, established in Brazil in 1963. Our dream is to see a healthy church, within reach of every Brazilian, that can bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world. We are committed to making an impact on leaders and churches by encouraging and challenging them to develop healthy ministries.Sepal is part of the Global OC Alliance, an interdenominational mission in its structure and interecclesiastical in its ministry.

who received the publications (including social media and web page that the Sepal Brazil missionaries/their ministries produced

(including lay people, men and women) who participated in events in which Sepal Brazil missionaries, or their ministries were involved.

result of the actions of the Sepal missionaries and their ministries.

have already gone through our main training event, the Sepal Meeting

students, bible school students, seminary or missionary training center, in which Sepal Brazil missionaries taught

Brazilian Governments + the Federal District with the work of the Sepal Missionaries.
1 We are committed to the team system for life and ministry. Even varying in shape and structure, the team provides a context for confidence and spiritual growth. Relationships within the team strengthen individual effects for ministry and promote synergistic means that maximize the sum of individual contributions.
2 We share mutual care for each missionary family for the well-being of all members. We affirm the importance of balancing the team’s requirements for effective ministry and the needs of the family.
3 We work together with the church, the whole body of Christ, as an instrument chosen by God to bear witness to all peoples. We collaborate with leaders, sharing reproductive skills, resources, and ministries for church multiplication.
4 We encourage church leaders to a vision passionate about the reach of nations, regions, cities, and ethnic groups, with the gospel of Christ, focusing on ministries that reamin the field.
5 We strive as servants and apprentices, altruistic in every ministry and relationship.
6 We celebrate the grace of God reflected in the creativity and diversity in the lives of those God has called to serve with The Sepal. We commit ourselves to your expression and development under the leadership of the Holy Ghost.